Walking For a Future

June Norman speaking at the Stop CSG Illawarra Meeting in January

If you made it to the January 2012 Stop CSG Illawarra meeting in Thirroul, you would remember we heard from the amazing June Norman. June, a 71 year old great grandmother, was the first protester arrested at a blockade to stop a coal seam gas development at Tara, Queensland in March 2011.

She’s about to embark on a 500km walk (yes, 500km – that’s not a typo) from Kumbarilla this Thursday, ending in Gladstone on March 8th, the same day that UNESCO will be assessing the impacts that the gas industry is having on our World Heritage Listed Great Barrier Reef and the surrounding Marine Park.

The walk will take June along the proposed gas pipeline and coal rail corridor to peacefully highlight the need to create a sustainable future whilst connecting with communities affected by these industries. June recently said:

“I’ve seen the impacts of the mining industry and I am really concerned. Where will my grandchildren source their food and what quality will their water be? This industry needs to be slowed down and managed in a more sustainable manner. I feel my generation is allowing this destruction to happen at a rate that is out of control. I feel responsible to do what I can to stop this madness and influence our government to consider the long term impacts of what it is permitting.”

June – we wish you great success and a minimal amount of blisters in this astonishing effort – you are an inspiration :-)

Details are below. For more info please contact , June on 0438 169 414 or Potts 0438 566 266. There’s also a Facebook Group.

Walking For A Future

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