What can you do to Stop CSG?

Firstly, forward this page to all your friends. The more people connect, the more chance we have of success…

  • Make sure you join our mailing list – just enter your email address at the top of this page.

  • Sign a petition. Perhaps get a page filled with your friends.

  • Use email, Facebook and Twitter to get your friends involved.

  • Put the pressure on our State and Federal political representatives. Write to them; better still telephone; even better ask for a meeting.

  • Put a sign on your fence or in your window.

  • Get a bumper sticker for your car.

  • Wear a T-shirt to show your support.

  • Join a Stop CSG group and play a role.

  • Join actions when they happen. It’s powerful and fun.

  • Host a Gaslands screening, home or community group. and we’ll help get the ball rolling.

  • Hassle your superannuation company.

  • Set up a local sub-group with stalls and other activities.

  • The campaign does needed financial support. Please donate if you can.

  • Consider being part of a blockade – if it comes to that!