The suburbs of Wombarra and Scarborough have been declared CSG-free, by a vote of residents.
Local Stop CSG members have been surveying households and an overwhelming majority of respondents in these suburbs want:
- Their suburb to remain CSG-free.
- A ban on CSG development in the drinking water catchment.
- A freeze on the industry state-wide to investigate the impacts.
While a CSG licence has been granted in these suburbs and across the drinking water catchment, the Government has not asked communities what they want. These results provide a very clear picture: The people of Wombarra and Scarborough have declared their suburbs CSG-free zones, and they overwhelmingly want to see a ban on CSG development in the drinking water catchment and a freeze on the industry state-wide to investigate the impacts. People are standing up to protect their communities; standing up where the Government has failed.
The surveying of Scarborough and Wombarra is just the beginning of a concerted effort to canvas opinion across the Illawarra – with more suburbs to follow.