First CSG-free Illawarra suburbs!

The suburbs of Wombarra and Scarborough have been declared CSG-free, by a vote of residents.

Local Stop CSG members have been surveying households and an overwhelming majority of respondents in these suburbs want:

  • Their suburb to remain CSG-free.
  • A ban on CSG development in the drinking water catchment.
  • A freeze on the industry state-wide to investigate the impacts.
Wombarra and Scarborough CSG Survey Results

Wombarra and Scarborough CSG Survey Results

People are standing up to protect their communities where the gov’t has failed

While a CSG licence has been granted in these suburbs and across the drinking water catchment, the Government has not asked communities what they want. These results provide a very clear picture: The people of Wombarra and Scarborough have declared their suburbs CSG-free zones, and they overwhelmingly want to see a ban on CSG development in the drinking water catchment and a freeze on the industry state-wide to investigate the impacts. People are standing up to protect their communities; standing up where the Government has failed.

The surveying of Scarborough and Wombarra is just the beginning of a concerted effort to canvas opinion across the Illawarra – with more suburbs to follow.

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