Taking the fight to the Premier’s electorate

Community groups opposed to coal seam gas (CSG) mining in Sydney’s water catchments are taking their concerns to Barry O’Farrell’s electorate; to people who need to know that their drinking water is at risk.

CSG Community Forum: 1 Sep, 2-4pm

CSG: The Risks & Our Catchments

Community Hall, Memorial Avenue
St Ives, Sydney
Sunday 1 Sep 2013, 2pm – 4pm

What’s all the fuss about? Find out more about coal seam gas mining and the risks for our drinking water catchments. Speakers include Drew Hutton from Lock the Gate, 2GB’s Alan Jones and Jess Moore from Stop CSG Illawarra. State MP’s have also been invited.

All are welcome. Organised by NSW Stop CSG Groups. Call 0438 782 449 or 0439 367 643.

It’s been over two years since Barry O’Farrell made his now famous ‘no ifs, no buts’ pre-election promise to protect water catchments from mining.

Despite having several opportunities while in power, the Premier has not enshrined his guarantee in law. In fact, he’s overseen the renewal of CSG licences, and even the drilling of a CSG exploration well itself – within our water catchments – the source of drinking water for 4.5 million people.

We think it’s about time Barry O’Farrell explained why he won’t support a ban on CSG mining in NSW drinking water catchments when he so clearly promised to, prior to election. He has the opportunity to make his position clear at the CSG Community Forum to be held at St Ives in Sydney’s North Shore – within his own electorate… should he choose to accept the invitation.

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